Photo Minute...The holiday season is here! Let creativity flow with all the different lights, shadows, and décor. I love this time of year where you can play with the settings on a camera to capture dynamic photos!
The Goal: To help you think creativity with your camera and realize you never are capturing a bad photo; you are exploring technique with your available palette.
Photo of the Week
Shot with a Canon 70D (free hold with wrist strap) Aperture f/11 - ISO AUTO - Shutter 1/450 - Focal Length 55/1
Editing: Adobe Photoshop CC with Actions & Levels

This photo was captured in a series of 10 shots...that's it! It was a cold night the week before Christmas two years ago. The way the snow and lights lay right after dusk was just something I could not pass up to step out in 2 degrees and photograph.
What this photograph said to
Nothing else just things very simply put in all those wonderful holiday season calendars you see. Something calm. Just had to be photographed.
Equipment List: Canon 70D, (1) 32GB SD card, 18-125mm lens...that's it!
The emotion is what makes this Photo Minute worthy.
Calm and still
heavy, yet not alone
look for how the light can be used to its best advantage
every object is a subject
I prefer to use Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop, but Adobe Lightroom is another great application for quick touch ups and such to your photos! I have not included the editing process here, but will dive deeper in other posts about start to finish with before and after pics.
Questions? Comments? Share your favorite holiday scene to photograph with the Frontier!